Five new countries are eligible to participate in the H–2A and H–2B Nonimmigrant Worker programs for the first time. The newly designated countries include the Czech Republic, Denmark, Madagascar, Portugal, and Sweden. This determination is effective January 18, 2015. Additionally, 63 countries previously designated in the January 17, 2014 notice continue to be eligible. Nationals from all 68 countries may work in the H–2A and H–2B programs. Federal Register
The Department of Homeland Security publishes the list of H-2A and H-2B eligible countries annually in a Federal Register notice. Designation of eligible countries is valid for one year from publication. Also, both the H-2A and H-2B temporary visa programs are options available through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for foreign guest workers.
Contact an experienced IBLF immigration attorney to help answer questions about visa options you may be eligible for: (202) 296-1111, Toll Free (800) 844 - IBLF (800 - 844 - 4253) or