Changes in Law

La ley de concesión de nacionalidad española a los sefardíes originarios de España entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2015

La ley de concesión de nacionalidad española a los sefardíes originarios de España entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2015. Se trata de una medida reparadora de la injusticia que se produjo con la expulsión de los judíos de España en el siglo XV. Con esta ley, los descendientes de estos judíos podrán adquirir la nacionalidad española sin tener que renunciar a la suya propia y sin exigencia de residencia en España. Los interesados tendrán que justificar la condición de sefardí y la especial vinculación con España.

Shepardic Jews Eligible for Spanish Citizenship

The law that grants Spanish citizenship to Sephardic Jews will become enforceable on October 1, 2015. This is a compensating measure for the unjustice of expelling the Jews from Spain during the 15th century. The descendants of these Jews will be eligible to become Spanish citizens and they shall not have to renounce to their own citizenship. In addition, they will not be required to reside in Spain. Applicants will need to show their Sephardic condition and the actual connection with Spain. They will have three years to express their wish to become Spanish citizens.

Victimas de Salida Voluntaria Forzada

En el 2009, la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles de San Diego (ACLU, por sus cifras en inglés), comenzó una investigación sobre las salidas voluntarias otorgadas a varios mexicanos en el sur de California. Tras una investigación extensiva, ACLU se dio cuenta que agencias de inmigración (patrulla fronteriza – CBP y agentes de inmigración – ICE), por años habían tomado una práctica engañosa para forzar a personas detenidas a aceptar salidas voluntarias, sin informarles de los efectos migratorios que esta acción tendría en sus casos.

Department of State Announces New Visa Application Processing Fees: Changes Effective September 12, 2014

Effective September 6, 2014, the schedule of fees for Consular Services (Schedule) will be amended.  These changes are applicable to certain nonimmigrant visa application processing fees, certain immigrant visa application processing and special visa services fees, and certain citizenship services fees.


Broadening the Scope of Border Inspection: Can it Help Your Case?

In a Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) decision inspection compliance was broadened.  Border crossing that is procedurally regular can suffice. If there is no official record of entry into the United States, the task of having a successful application for adjustment of status can be difficult, but it is not impossible.   Proof of admission has generally been satisfied by either having an entry stamp in a valid passport or a Visa holder’s copy of their I-94 entry document.

Immigration BIll offers Glimmer of Hope for Undocumented

You’ve probably heard rumblings about the Senate’s forthcoming immigration bill, “The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013". A group of 8 Republican and Democrat Senators have proposed a lengthy, contingency-laden path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the United States. The bill isn’t perfect, but it represents a rare chance to fix many backlogs, loopholes, and irrational policies plaguing our broken immigration system.
