Fear, Violence and Child Migration in Central America

With the recent news about the increase in the number of child immigrants from Central America reaching our borders, we're seeing more attention given to the problems of violence and poverty in that region.

The issue likely stems from a combination of factors: the seemingly never-ending cycle of violence and crime, the changing nature of the drug trafficking routes, the population pyramid, and, perhaps, the distorted news of DACA that is arriving in the region. The Immigration Policy Center published a report written by a Fulbright Scholar that delves into the problems plaguing one of the Central American countries, El Salvador.

The Fulbright Scholar cites organized crime, gangs and violence as one of the main factors driving people from their homes. She notes that such problems produce great amounts of internal displacement within El Salvador itself and the government offers little assistance. The two agencies which are supposed to protect children rarely respond to complaints and, in some cases, the reporting of an issue led to an increase in threats. Even some who return from the US to El Salvador immediately face extortion and violence, making it unsafe even for those who made good in America and want to start a business in their country of origin.

Discovering what has motivated people, particularly youth, to leave their home country is important knowledge with which to evaluate proposed action respecting the unusual number of children at our border seeking entry. Regardless of federal action, IBLF is prepared to represent Unaccompanied Child Arrivals.

**Note**The International Business Law Firm (IBLF) is not a disinterested party. IBLF clients have obtained DACA classification and some have undocumented parents.