On September 1st, America will once again pay tribute to the contributions workers have made to the well-being of this country. Numerous celebrations and observations will take place across the country. This tradition began in 1882 as recognition of the social and economic achievements of U.S.-born workers. Twelve years later on June 28, 1892, Congress passed an act officially recognizing every first Monday in September as a legal holiday.
Today, there are many persistent negative myths about the migrant population. Unfortunately, the notion that immigrants undermine American workers is one of them. This is plain wrong. As experienced immigration attorneys we understand the need for policy reform. Ineffective Immigration Policies detracts from, instead of contributes to, the well-being of our country - not immigrant workers. Aspiring U.S. citizens and their families help strengthen and extend U.S. economic prosperity.
While participating in the well-deserved celebrations on Labor Day, let us remember the considerable impact immigrants and their families have made throughout the decades on the U.S. economy and its labor force. Until a comprehensive immigration reform is passed by Congress, significant benefits - worker exploitation and mistreatment, new job generation and improved earnings, for example - will continue to be withheld from both immigrant and native-born workers alike.
In honor of Labor Day, let us all continue to work together to build a stronger and more just economy.