Immigration Law

EB-5 Q&A:How can part-time waiters in a restaurant be counted for EB-5 job creation?

Question Detail: If multiple part-time waiters working for the same restaurant aggregate working hours to 35 hours per week, can this be counted as one full-time EB-5 job? What are the requirements for "job sharing" arrangements? Have there been any real successes in getting USCIS approval of this kind of arrangement?


EB-5 Q&A:How often can an EB-5 investor travel outside the U.S. as a permanent resident?

Question Detail: I became a U.S. permanent resident through EB-5 in April 2015. I stayed in the U.S. for one month and then exited in May 2015. I am planning to re-enter the U.S. at the end of September 2015 for just two weeks and then exit again for the next four months because I want to continue my job in a foreign country until mid-January 2016, after which I will permanently move to the U.S. Would this plan be executable while maintaining my permanent resident status? How frequently can I travel outside the United States as a permanent resident?

EB-5 Q&A: What is business owner responsible for when partnering with EB-5 investors?

Question Detail: I am a business owner seeking to partner with one or more EB-5 investors. I have read that EB-5 "applicants must also ensure that they meet accredited investor income requirements" and that the funds need to be proven that they come from a lawful source - loan, gift, etc. If I have EB-5 investors investing in my business, do I need to make sure they are accredited investors? Is it also my responsibility to check their source of funds? What are my responsibilities as a business owner partnering with EB-5 investors?

EB-5 Q&A:What are the steps of EB-5 consular processing?

Question Detail: I am interested in EB-5 investment program, and want to know the process and procedures. I am currently in my home country. Once my EB-5 application is approved, what is the purpose of the Consulate application? How soon after I submit the Consulate application do I get my EB-5 green card, and then when do I have to enter the United States?

EB-5 Q&A:How can a married couple file separate EB-5 applications?

Question Detail: We're a married couple from the United Kingdom. We're thinking of both investing in different regional center projects and both filing an EB-5 application, just in case one of the projects has problems. What problems might arise from us filing our EB-5 petitions at the same time? Would our EB-5 applications affect each other in any way? And if one of the projects were to fail, how could we be included on the other person's application?

La ley de concesión de nacionalidad española a los sefardíes originarios de España entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2015

La ley de concesión de nacionalidad española a los sefardíes originarios de España entrará en vigor el 1 de octubre de 2015. Se trata de una medida reparadora de la injusticia que se produjo con la expulsión de los judíos de España en el siglo XV. Con esta ley, los descendientes de estos judíos podrán adquirir la nacionalidad española sin tener que renunciar a la suya propia y sin exigencia de residencia en España. Los interesados tendrán que justificar la condición de sefardí y la especial vinculación con España.

Shepardic Jews Eligible for Spanish Citizenship

The law that grants Spanish citizenship to Sephardic Jews will become enforceable on October 1, 2015. This is a compensating measure for the unjustice of expelling the Jews from Spain during the 15th century. The descendants of these Jews will be eligible to become Spanish citizens and they shall not have to renounce to their own citizenship. In addition, they will not be required to reside in Spain. Applicants will need to show their Sephardic condition and the actual connection with Spain. They will have three years to express their wish to become Spanish citizens.
