Feifei Zhang's blog


- 在2014财政年度,EB-5项目为美国本土经济带来了约55亿美金。

- 全美目前有600个获批的区域中心,在2013-2014财政年度,移民局终止了7个因未递交I-924A年度报告的区域中心,并对28个因“不再促进经济增长”的区域中心发出了“意图终止”的通知。

- 移民局目前收到有270份I-924区域中心申请,11万份I-526移民申请,以及2500份I-829临时绿卡条件移除申请。

- 目前移民局对I-924申请的处理时间为8.5个月,I-526申请的处理时间为14.3个月,I-829申请的处理时间为6.9个月。

- 移民局已开始对I-924区域中心申请进行面试及实地考察。

EB-5 Program Updates from December 2014 USCIS EB-5 Stakeholder's Meeting

- In Fiscal Year 2014, the EB-5 Program has brought approximately $5.5 billion to the US economy.

- There are 600 approved regional centers in the US. USCIS approved 230 from Fiscal Year 2013 to 2014, terminated 7 for failing to comply with the I-924A annual filing requirement, and issued Notice of Intent of Deny to 28 regional centers as "they are no longer promoting economic growth."

- 270 I-924 regional center petitions were filed, approximately 11,000 I-526 petitions are pending with USCIS, and 2,500 I-829 petition were filed.

EB-5 Q&A 移民问答帖:在未提供托管账户保护且I-526可能被拒的情况下, 哪些银行对提前释放资金有更灵活的操作

